Beyond the Hall

Livestream, 2024



Performed live at Bryant Park on September 6, 2024, Beyond the Hall highlights music sourced from dance salons, opera houses, cabaret, and the silver screen. A full livestream of the concert is available to watch on-demand on ASO Online through October 21, 2024. 

For our third consecutive year debuting our season at Bryant Park, the American Symphony Orchestra presented, Beyond the Hall, a program exploring music that draws its inspiration from outside the traditional concert setting. From the dance salon (Florence Price’s Suite of Dances) and the theater (Weill’s Threepenny Opera and Bernstein’s On the Town), and from the opera stage (Joplin’s Treemonisha), to the silver screen (Herrmann’s film score for Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960s film), the selections included here examine the complex and dramatic role that music has played across venues, genres, and modes of expression.

This performance is funded in part by the Kurt Weill Foundation for Music, Inc., New York, NY

This performance is funded in part by the Music Performance Trust Fund

The ASO’s Vanguard Series is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.


Livestream, 2024
1 hour, 38 minutes


View Program Book

Scott Joplin (1868-1917)
Overture to Treemonisha, 1911

Florence Price (1887-1953)
Suite of Dances (1933)

Bernard Herrmann (1911-1975)
Psycho Suite (1960)

Kurt Weill (1900-1950)
Kleine Dreigroschenmusik (Little Threepenny Music) (1928)

Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)
Three Dance Episodes from “On the Town” (1945)
